To 28 September – climate, nuclear, (and coronavirus) news

Coronavirus, climate change and weather disasters: 2020 has been a hell of a year, so far.  Some world leaders at this week’s annual United Nations meeting are taking the long view, warning: If COVID-19 doesn’t kill us, climate change will.

On the nuclear scene, well, really, nothing much is happening. Except for the propaganda. Covid-19 is making the nuclear industry’s problems even worse, so their marketing propaganda is intensifying. Last week it was all about small nuclear reactors. This week, it’s still that, but as an extra push, it’s all about thorium.

Some bits of good news – Over 12 million children, caregivers and teachers reached by UNICEF and Millicom (TIGO) to strengthen child rights across Latin America during COVID 19.  The Aahwahan Foundation in India works towards the eradication of poverty, while also focussing on maintaining a sustainable environment.


NUCLEAR. From October 6, the Australian Senate will discuss the NATIONAL ISSUE of the Napandee nuclear waste dump plan.  Kimba nuclear waste dump – not just a local issue, but only locals were consulted. Kimba mayor Dean Johnson shows his ignorance on nuclear wastes.

Dr Helen Caldicott and Independent Australia bust the media spin on ‘small nuclear reactors’.


Australian scientists censored on speaking about climate change.  Farmers have called out the federal government’s climate change low emissions policy as selling out an industry for profit.  Forget the lobbying. It’s the spin that wins on climate, report finds.  Why Australia’s hydrogen industry should be renewables only.

Julian Assange dragged from embassy “on the orders of the president”.  Medical experts testify to court on Julian Assange’s precarious mental health.  Australia’s media disgrace – the deliberate neglect of the Julian Assange extradition hearing.  The media ignores Julian Assange and the Media ‘Trial of Century’.

Australians recorded frog calls on their smartphones after the bushfires – and the results are remarkable


Julian Assange dragged from embassy “on the orders of the president”.  Medical experts testify to court on Julian Assange’s precarious mental health.  Australia’s media disgrace – the deliberate neglect of the Julian Assange extradition hearing.  The media ignores Julian Assange and the Media ‘Trial of Century’.

When looking at impact of coronavirus, we can’t forget the long-term health effects.

45 nations have now ratified the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Latest World Nuclear Industry Status Report shows high levelised cost of nuclear power.   Small Nuclear Reactors look good – on paper!.

Radiation exposure on the moon is nearly three times that on the International Space Station.

Solar and battery ads blocked by Twitter and Facebook move against “political content” .  Recharge’s ”must read” news of the week on the energy transition.

Nurdle alert – plastic pollution the next eco calamity for decades.

ARCTIC.  The Arctic Has Entered A New Climate State.     Russia’s nuclear-powered ice-breakers lead towards military domination of the Arctic.  Arctic pollution is worse than expected – tree rings studies reveal this.


UK. Britain’s nuclear power dreams melting away – with soaring costs, and political problems.  EDF wants cash-strapped UK government to subsidise costly Sizewell nuclear plan.  Former UK Energy Minister Sir Ed Davey says new Sizewell nuclear station is too expensive.  Suffolk businesses oppose the building of Sizewell nuclear power station.

A Sellafield nuclear disaster would spread across Cumbria – new map shows.

FRANCE.  French taxpayers don’t want to pay for Sizewell nuclear station, neither do British..

CHINA.  It’s important to dispel three persistent myths about China’s nuclear weapons.

EUROPE. Bosnia and Herzegovina call for a safer location for Croatia’s nuclear waste dump plan

JAPANJapanese government dangles financial carrot to persuade reluctant communities to take nuclear wastess.  Japan’s nuclear regulator approves restart of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant, but still hurdles to overcome.

Fukushima. The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Recovery That Wasn’t.  9 1/2 years after meltdowns, no end in sight for Fukushima nuke plant decommissioning.    16-meter seawall planned for Fukushima Daiichi.  Lifting Fukushima evacuation orders without decontamination should be limited.  Don’t criticize government or TEPCO, guides in Fukushima told.  Fukushima criticism for unauthorized use of radiation exposure data-Interim report on Date City.

SOUTH KOREA. S. Korea renews concerns over possible release of tainted Fukushima water.

NORTH KOREA. Satellite imagery shows North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Center is drying off after breaching of oveerflow dam. Reduced water level poses a problem for North Korea’s nuclear reactor, if it’s restarted.

CANADA. David Suzuki on nuclear power as a climate change solution ”I want to puke.” The climate crisis is still a massive threat — even in the middle of a pandemic.  Small modular nuclear reactors for Canada? – useless, expensive, untested, and a wasteful distraction. Canada to splurge $billions on non-existent small nuclear reactors, ineffective and no use against climate change.

IRAN. Iran will not renegotiate nuclear deal if Biden wins US presidency, Zarif says.

INDIA. Tsunami risk for nuclear reactors on coastlines of India and Pakistan.

RUSSIARussia rejects USA’ s terms for extending the New START arms control treaty.  Power hungry Russia foisting nuclear power on Egypt – Africa – where it is not needed.  Importing of increased amounts of uranium hexafluoride to Russia – illegal and dangerous.

INDONESIA. Indonesia: strong objections to nuclear and “new” fossil fuel technologies being called ”green” energy.

MARSHALL ISLANDS. Marshall Islands in danger of being overcome by rising sea levels.

UKRAINE. False report of a nuclear disaster in Ukraine.

SAUDI ARABIA. Saudi Arabia may be able to produce its own nuclear fuel – with its uranium reserves.

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