The week in climate and nuclear news- Australia and beyond

Why single out one ecological disaster – when there are so many? I originally dedicated this weekly post to nuclear issues. Now it’s hard to prioritise nuclear.  We have the biodiversity crash now going on, and picking up speed. Climate change is always there -its most notable expression this week is in the drowning of Mozambique



NUCLEAR.  Australia is to build new nuclear reactors, in partnership with China (does Parliament know?)   Nuclear waste, and court actions.  Independent report found ANSTO’s health staff lacking in knowledge about radiation exposure.

RENEWABLE ENERGY. Court rejects bid to block South Australia wind and ‘biggest’ battery project. Wind generation hits peak output of more than 4,000MW in Australia.  CEFC tips $10m into home solar and battery-focused green bond.


A huge global wake-up call- the human devastation of climate change.

Drastic decline in insect numbers – the bugocalypse.

Small and Medium Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) – cost estimates, and what they cost to build.  The sorry history of small nuclear power reactors.

AFRICA. Cyclone Idai Lays Bare Deadly Reality of Climate Change in Africa.

SOUTH KOREA. Limits to South Korean President Moon’s ability to negotiate US-N. Korea nuclear deal.

UK. Strong opposition in Holywell County Council to hosting nuclear waste dump.  Despite £1 million just to listen , UK County Councillors not keen to host nuclear waste dump. Sizewell C and nuclear accidents. Bradwell B nuclear project – a risk to UK’s national security? The Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) dismiss the need for Sizewell C nuclear station, and call for renewables.  Dangers of nuclear weapons convoys travelling through Northampton. Fukushima 8th Anniversary: 2 events in London.

BRAZIL. Brazil’s former president Michel Temer arrested on charges of corruption relating to Angra 3 nuclear plant.  Nuclear convoy in Brazil attacked by armed men.


FRANCE. French Nuclear test victim ordered to repay compensation. Earthquake in France, not that far away from nuclear reactors. Orano (makeover of bankrupt AREVA ) not getting anywhere in selling nuclear reprocessing plant to China.

CANADA. Ontario’s govt about to sabotage energy saving systems, – in the interests of the nuclear lobby.

JAPAN.  Cost of the Fukushima nuclear disaster estimated at up to 81 trillion yen.    To increase energy self-sufficiency after the 2011 nuclear disaster, renewables are Japan’s only option. REMEMBERING Katsuko Saruhashi THE TRAILBLAZING SCIENTIST WHO UNCOVERED NUCLEAR FALLOUT IN THE PACIFIC.

MIDDLE EAST.  In the Middle East, world’s most volatile region, nuclear power is taking off – what could possibly go wrong?

ISRAEL. UN raps Israel’s use of ‘unlawful force’ against Gazans .

SOUTH AFRICA. Energy expert dismisses Zuma’s nuclear deal comment.

SPAIN. Power firms agree on route to close Spain’s oldest nuclear plant.

One Response to “The week in climate and nuclear news- Australia and beyond”

  1. Rethink.In.Net Says:


    The week in climate and nuclear news- Australia and beyond | Nuclear Australia

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